Choose to live your best life now. Dismiss the grudges, resentments, complaints and drama when possible; it’s always possible, and never worth the stress it brings.
Those who died yesterday had a plan for this morning. Those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Never take the gift of life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. Choose to forgive often, laugh often, and love with all of your heart. You never know when you may never have that chance again.
Most of what we stress and worry about is insignificant when it’s all said and done. Be good to yourself and make a conscious choice each day to live your best life.
There is no such thing as getting up on the wrong side of the bed, just to even get up each morning is a gift that too many take for granted. We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.
Having a positive mindset does not mean that everything will always turn out okay. It means you will be okay no matter how things turn out.