Most people will have bad experiences in their lives. Always remember that experiences aren’t about what happens to you; they are about what you do with what happens to you. What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.
Some people allow the bad experiences from their past to affect a large part of their life; thereby robbing themselves of their joy today.
I’ve often reminded people that pain is inevitable in our lives, but misery is optional.
Be good to yourself and choose to live the good life today. Allow your past bad experiences to stay in the past. It’s up to you whether or not you bring them to your today and allow those experiences to adversely affect you.
Real happiness is not dependent on external factors. Happiness starts with you, not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, not with your circumstances, but with you.
For your sake, learn from past bad experiences, then let them go.